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  • Village Festivals


    During the warm summer months and especially during summer break, Germans have festivals and celebrations all over. Particularly popular are village or town celebrations.  The festivals are usually hosted by the city, while in smaller communities, clubs and villages get

  • Villingen-Schwenningen: a trip back in time


    It’s admittingly hard to travel back into the past, if you are lacking a time travel device. But there is a city you can visit, where such a device is not necessary. You can get there all on your own, back to the Middle Ages, back when the night watchman

  • We found it - the most beautiful supermarket in Germany.

    The most beautiful supermarket in Germany can be found right in 70794 Filderstadt Bonlanden, located only eight miles from Kelley Barracks, 12 miles from the Patch Barracks or 14 miles from Panzer in Böblingen. Now this is not just my personal opinion. The Gebauer EDEKA market in Bonlanden was voted No. 1 under more than 11,000

  • What in the world is a “Schultüte”?


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    With Summerbreak almost over, stores are stocking their shelves with school supplies for the new school year. The isles and baskets are overloaded with

  • What’s with hot wine at Christmas and Winter time?


    If you are new to Germany or not yet familiar with the Christmas market, you may be surprised to learn that the main beverage served at the market is a hot wine. It’s a great way to warm up from the cold weather and even though its just wine, it

  • Winter tire law in Germany


    Winter is coming to Germany and while you may have been told putting winter tires on your car is law, you might have been left in the dark when it comes to the specifics, or where given hieroglyphic remarks like “from O till O” or “have to have the snowflake symbol, but

  • You know you’ve been in Germany too long if… The Together Magazine version


    The green Ampelmann – Green man on the pedestrian light

    -you wait, alongside hundreds of other people, until a traffic light turns green, even if there’s no car in sight. You wait patiently to cross the street when the little man is red, because you are afraid that some old

  • You love good food and wine?


    Then the Stuttgarter Weindorf (Stuttgart Wine Village) is a must.

    It is one of the finest wine festivals in Germany with regional specialties and a wide selection of excellent regional wines from Wuerttemberg and Baden.        

    On the Stuttgarter

  • Youngest Bongo calf is exploring the outside for the first time


    The Bongos in the Wilhelma seem to be enjoying their enclosure, that was renovated in 2016, very much. Those extremely rare forest antelopes, here in the Stuttgart zoologic-botanic garden, had a baby again this year…just like 2017. Mother Asante gave birth to a calf on March

  • Your furry best friend during the PCS


    One thing that is forgotten about too often during the PCS madness are the pets. Beloved companions that have been living in the home for years without any issue, suddenly become major issues, because of breeds, time of PCS or the

  • Zwiebelkuchen and Federweisser


    As you may have noticed, there are little stands and booths popping up all over the place, especially at grocery stores or at your local farmers markets. They are advertising “neuer Wein”, “Federweisser” or “neuer Suesser” and it all really means the

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