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Strawberry fields

Germans love to spend their time outdoors. Even better if you can keep the kids occupied at the same time. Strawberry fields make for a great family outing opportunity. Not only are those sweet treats great for snacking, but also awesome in cakes, jams or even salads.

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9/11 in Stuttgart

Explosions, gun fire, the cries from injured people at the train station in Stuttgart. Police, Fire department and ambulances with lights and sirens blaring, racing towards the main train station. If you encounter that in Stuttgart tomorrow evening – don’t be alarmed. No terrorist thought of picking this memorable date for an attack.

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“German for beginners” …. or, funny German proverbs

Germany has quite an obsession for its little sayings, phrases and proverbs. You may be learning German already or have a basic knowledge of the language, but all the sudden you are complete at loss in a conversation, because your conversation partner starts talking about an elephant in a porcelain store or a gifted horse… like what in the hell???

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You know you’ve been in Germany too long if… The Together Magazine version

The green Ampelmann – Green man on the pedestrian light

-you wait, alongside hundreds of other people, until a traffic light turns green, even if there’s no car in sight. You wait patiently to cross the street when the little man is red, because you are afraid that some old lady might start scolding if you don't.

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