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Winter tire law in Germany

Winter is coming to Germany and while you may have been told putting winter tires on your car is law, you might have been left in the dark when it comes to the specifics, or where given hieroglyphic remarks like “from O till O” or “have to have the snowflake symbol, but not really the S+M symbol does the job as well”?!?!

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Zwiebelkuchen and Federweisser

As you may have noticed, there are little stands and booths popping up all over the place, especially at grocery stores or at your local farmers markets. They are advertising “neuer Wein”, “Federweisser” or “neuer Suesser” and it all really means the same thing, depending on which area of Germany you are in.

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Survey results

Since some of the participants showed quite an interest in the outcome of my survey, I figured I would share some of the results with you.

But first I would like to express my great appreciation to all participants and supporters that stepped in and helped me on my way to success on the bachelor thesis.

I would like to present you a summary of work that I think would be of interest to you, since I don’t want to bore you with lots of numbers, data or statistics. If anyone wants more in depth info or has questions, feel free to contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please be aware though that a reply can take a bit of time since all my work is in German and would have to be translated first.

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