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  • Easter in Germany

    Spring is right around the corner, and Germany is getting ready for Easter.

    While traditionally a religious holiday, Easter is one of the most popular holidays for churchgoers and non-religious affiliated Germans alike. Since Christian and pagan rituals are now so intertwined it only makes sense for everyone to take part in the celebrations, besides who does not like a couple extra days off.

    Easter markets are a popular thing and pop up on almost every weekend luring eager shoppers to the city center. Most of the public gardens and parks open up right around the beginning of spring also and will enchant with beautiful flowers and walks during the first warmer days.

  • The Easter Lamb


    A couple weeks before Easter you may start noticing that German bakeries offer little lambs, made from biscuit, a cake very similar to the American pound cake. They are sold glazed or just dusted with confectioner’s sugar and often carry or wear a little flag.

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