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“German for beginners” …. or, funny German proverbs

Germany has quite an obsession for its little sayings, phrases and proverbs. You may be learning German already or have a basic knowledge of the language, but all the sudden you are complete at loss in a conversation, because your conversation partner starts talking about an elephant in a porcelain store or a gifted horse… like what in the hell???

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Castle illumination in Heidelberg

If you ever lived in the Rhein-Neckar region, then you know that one of the summer highlights is the Heidelberg castle illumination. Three times every year during the summer months (June, July and September, right after nightfall), the spectacle attracts thousands of viewers annually and countless of boats and ships that sit on the Neckar to watch the fireworks.

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You know you’ve been in Germany too long if… The Together Magazine version

The green Ampelmann – Green man on the pedestrian light

-you wait, alongside hundreds of other people, until a traffic light turns green, even if there’s no car in sight. You wait patiently to cross the street when the little man is red, because you are afraid that some old lady might start scolding if you don't.

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Village Festivals

During the warm summer months and especially during summer break, Germans have festivals and celebrations all over. Particularly popular are village or town celebrations.  The festivals are usually hosted by the city, while in smaller communities, clubs and villages get together to host a fest. Even kindergartens or schools host celebrations, usually for attending families or potential new students. Vineyards run culinary hikes or festivals, often in conjunction with restaurants. And who could forget the beer and wine fests towards the end of the summer.

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