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Mikomi Sushi and Grill

I am a huge sushi fan, so I did not hesitate when I was offered the chance to check out a new, local place.

Located inside the Schwabengalerie in Vaihingen, the restaurant is easily reachable by public transport, and there is lots of parking available. There are several large public parking garages right in the area. Mikomi sits right in the little courtyard, so you also have the option of dining outside.

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The Eagle’s Nest in Berchtesgaden

If you ask around, one of the “must-see attractions in Germany is the Eagle’s Nest in Berchtesgaden. I can only guess, it’s a combination of historic curiosity and the memory of the defeat of a real-life nemesis. 

If it wasn’t for its macabre history, the area would be no different than any other beautifully situated Alpine houses. Stunning, rugged, white-tipped mountains and cliffs, steep green valleys with forests and little towns surround the house. Today, it has been turned into a nice restaurant with the typical Bavarian charm and delicious food. 

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Staying cool in your German home

Why don’t German homes have air conditioners?” is one of the questions that come up every year. By the time May or June hits with the first hot days, Americans are flabbergasted. How do Germans survive the summer without the wonders of AC? 

There are many reasons why air conditioners are rare in German homes. I guess, the biggest reason is that it is very expensive to have them installed after the house was built. Its easier to calculate in central heat/AC if you are planning and building your home, versus having to add it later on. Also, ACs do use a lot of electricity, so again a matter of cost. The maybe funniest reason is the dreaded draft. A cold draft, in Germany, is still considered a threat to your health. Responsible for everything from a cold to joint pains, especially the older population worries about getting cool drafts, even on hot days. 

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Germany’s beaches

Surprised? Yes, even Germany has beaches. I know it’s a well-hidden secret. Since most Americans are kind of concentrated in the center and south of Germany, the North is often left out. But that’s just where the oceans are at. 

Germany has two coast lines, each very different from the other one. If you prefer sunbathing, warm water and heat, the Baltic sea with its beaches is for you. The beaches on the North Sea are more rugged and the climate is cooler.  

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Safety reminder, pick-pockets!

Summer is traveling season, and no matter if you travel within the country or all over Europe, thieves are everywhere. Especially the large European capitals are hot spots to rip off tourists.  

Germany is the most populated country in Europe, so crowds are to be expected. With crowds, come the pick-pockets. People often assume themselves too safe here, because, compared to other countries, Germany has a relatively low crime rate. But, theft is still one of the most common crimes here. 

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