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Stuttgart - History and interesting facts

For all of you who are new to Stuttgart, or not just new to Stuttgart, but new to Germany – Welcome, to Germany and to Stuttgart. Stuttgart is not only my hometown, but, with over 620,000 residents, the largest city in the state of Baden-Wuertemberg. It is also the B-W capital and the sixth largest city in Germany. Stuttgart is also the center of the “Stuttgart region” which includes the cities of Boeblingen, Esslingen and Ludwigsburg.

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A crazy day at Disneyland Paris

You may call us crazy, but last month we decided to take our kids to Disneyland in Paris. I do have to add, our kids are 19 and 15, but they had been bugging to going back to Disney for years now. So what do good parents do? You eventually give in, sit down and order tickets….

What in the world is a “Schultüte”?

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With Summerbreak almost over, stores are stocking their shelves with school supplies for the new school year. The isles and baskets are overloaded with binders, pencils and books. Colorful school back packs are lined up along with sports bags, matching lunch boxes and these odd looking upside down matching dounce hats….

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