We‘ve created this card in hopes of saving you money, so please read below to find out how it works. The Together Card is a prepaid dining card that is given out by restaurants that work together with our magazine. This card is only given out to Americans living in Germany on official military or government orders and their affiliates—as it can only be filled up in conjunction with a VAT form! The Together Card has our logo on one side and the restaurant’s logo on the other.

For example, here you can see the Schwabengarten‘s Together Card:

The Schwabengarten, located in 70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen, is one of the first, of hopefully many, restaurants to join us! This card offers you the possibility of eating your meals at the Schwabengarten tax free. Just bring your VAT form with you and ask for the Together Card at the register. Here you can fill up your card with varying amounts (100 € / 150 € / 200 € / 250 € / 300 € / etc.). Therefore you can use your credit card (Visa and MasterCard).What this means is that all future snacks, meals and drinks at the Schwabengarten will be tax free when purchased with your Together Card. Even if you‘re just buying your kids an ice cream, or you are stopping in for the occasional weekend beer; why not get every-thing 19% of!